We are an online only store. Our products can be bought online at
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
10 am - 5pm
We are an organisation that has been set up to promote Christian values. Our organisation is based on Christian ethics. With the decline of true believers of the gospel, and the marring of the lines of bible guidance and teaching, we feel compelled to speak up. Christianity is about Love for all "for God so loved the world (and everyone in it) that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". Christ is "Truth" and nothing can change that truth. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever". With the emergence of different truths (personal truth) we have the need to present Christ the Truth, that has not changed and will not change. A Truth that will remain consistent and relevant to anyone and everyone who would embrace Him. Our products are a reminder for those who would chose to identify with Christ. They can we worn as an everyday evangelical tool, or just a celebration of who we are.
We choose to remain relevant even though we are being marginalised. There are not many christian branded clothing available on the market. Our desire is that for those who want to they can obtain christian clothing as an alternative to the branded options.
Thank you as you support us
We are an online only store. Our products can be bought online at
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
10 am - 5pm